Saturday, August 31, 2019
Ethnicity and the Police Essay
Relationships between the police and minority communities have come a long way, and still continue to evolve as public awareness grows. Although there are still misconceptions about community policing, it is a fact that improvements have been made because of the new and continuously emerging programs, and partnerships that have been created between the police and private citizens. Among these improvements are lower crime rates, higher crime reporting rates, and improved public perception of police effectiveness. The 1960’s were a symbol of inequality within the justice system. The actions of police officers were causing race riots all over the United States. Because of this President Lyndon B Johnson appointed Illinois Governor Otto Kerner to chair the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, otherwise known as the Kerner Commission. It was this commission that brought to light the reasons behind the riots and initiated the change. The commission stated that â€Å"our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one whiteâ€â€separate and unequal.†and criticized law enforcement for the underrepresentation of blacks on police forces, brutality and abuse of power, and racial bias in the use of deadly force (â€Å"Policing The Social Crises Of The 1960s†, 2013). The police agencies responded to this by starting affirmative action programs to recruit and promote more blacks and women, formulating written policies for the use of deadly force to reduce racial disparities in police shootings, and of course they started police†community relations programs to improve communication between the police and racial minority citizens (â€Å"Policing The Social Crises Of The 1960s†, 2013). This is what paved the way to the attitudes of experts in policing in the 1970’s who began to acknowledge the necessity of both police and the community in their roles as co-producers of community safety. This is a partnership that has been proven to solve problems before they become more serious (â€Å"The United States Department of Justice†, 2014). Many practices and programs constitute community policing. Some activities are carried out only for the sole purpose of improving the image of police departments (1974). For example: Attendin g meetings of church groups, and other local organizations, and TV or radio ads asking for citizen cooperation (â€Å"The United States Department of Justice†, 2014). Some activities are of an internal nature within police departments and include: Community relations training, the establishment of specialized positions within a department that are responsible for community relations, and specialized programs used to recruit officers from minority groups (1974). Other activities include police work in the field that makes them appear more visible and personable, such as foot patrols (â€Å"The United States Department of Justice†, 2014). Community policing is diverse and varies from department to department (1974). The Detroit police department, for example, has a program known as the Citizens radio patrol. The patrols were established to help serve as extended eyes and ears for the police department. The department offers classes to those who are interested in making a difference on community watch techniques. The role of the patrollers is to watch over their neighborhoods and report any suspicious activity to a patrol base operator, who in turn contacts the local police precinct or district. Patrols consist of a number of volunteers who commit a small amount of their time each week to serve as a base operator, a driver or an observer with the driver (â€Å"Thank God for the Shelter†, 2011). The Detroit police department also offers programs for youth that are interested in learning how to be good citizens and community leaders. These programs focus on those who have the potential and may be interested in becoming police officers someday. Other programs that assist under-privileged kids get involved in basketball, football, softball, soccer, bowling, golfing, track and field, swimming, martial arts, tennis, and cross country skiing are also available (â€Å"Thank God For The Shelter†, 2011). Even though there are a wide range of different practices among police agencies the one common goal is to achieve better relationships with specific segments of the community (1974). For example, in 1992 a federal grant was awarded to the housing authority and the Fort Lauderdale police department. $250,000 was used to pay off-duty officers to work special details in the city`s public housing projects. The money is also being used for other programs to help foster better po lice-community relations. Since the new program began, residents have been getting to know the officers in their neighborhood and tipping them on crimes (Corbett, 1992). So far we have given examples of community policing that have made improvements for minority groups by way of lower neighborhood crime rates, higher crime reporting rates, and a more positive public perception, but what about the perception of the police by foreign born citizens? Unfortunately there has been a lesser impact of community policing efforts observed by communities with a large number of recent immigrants. In A study, known as the Houston community policing experiment, Latinos scored lower measures of awareness, participation, and effectiveness of community policing than blacks (â€Å"The United States Department of Justice†, 2014). It is likely that language barriers, lack of understanding of the new culture around them, and a strong mistrust of the police that has been brought with them from their homeland hinders even the strongest efforts from being effective. Foreign born citizens are not the only people that harbor misconceptions about community policing. The public as a whole is still comprised of a large number of citizens with doubts. One of the most dominant misconceptions about police community relations is that is restricted only for efforts that regard minority groups. Although it was this that started the ball rolling, nothing could be further from the truth. Police agencies have a vested interest in creating and maintaining good relationships with the entire community no matter the ethnicity. Another misconception is that these practices are done strictly to receive positive reviews from the citizen review board. In most cases these programs are developed by the department themselves and are not subject to review of any kind (Kreps & Weller, 1973). Police community relations programs have not only improved the attitude of minority groups, and the entire public as a whole towards the police, but have also created a positive impact on communities by lowering the crime rate. Strategies used for community policing are as diverse as the population of the United States itself, but they all share the common goal of promoting strong relationships with those who in the past were underrepresented and abused. These programs continue to ensure an understanding between the justice system and the public, and are necessary for harmony between the two. References (1974, May 5). Police community relations. Sun Sentinel. Retrieved from Corbett, M. (1992, February 24). Police boost community relations. Sacramento Observer. Retrieved from Policing the Social Crises of the 1960s. (2013). Retrieved from Thank God for the shelter. (2011). Retrieved from The Police-Community Relations Movement: Conciliatory Responses, Kreps, Gary A; Weller, Jack M The American Behavioral Scientist (pre-1986); Jan/Feb 1973; 16, 3; ProQuest Central pg. 402 The United States department of justice. (2014). Retrieved from
Tilting Trains
Vishveshwaraya Technological University, Belgaum TILTING TRAINS DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [pic] GUIDE : VINAY B U PRESENTED BY : ARUN USN : 4SF09ME014 SYNOPSIS With the invention of new technologies in various features of the railway transportation the human beings are more benefited. One of the technology that the railway engineers thinking is about the â€Å"THE TILTING TRAINS†, which provide the passengers and the goods to reach the destination with a minimum time.The technology involved in TILTING TRAIN is that when ever the trains pass over the curves and turnings of the railway tracks the compartments of the train is tilted to a certain angle by which the trains can travel with no reduction in speed. By adopting this technology of TILTING TRAINS the fuel consumed by the trains can be saved ,the passengers can feel comfort and also time can be saved. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Problem with corners 3. What is tilting train? 4. Why tilting helps? 5.How do trains tilt? 6. Problems associated in tilting the track 7. Passenger comfort ness 8. Countries who developed the tilting technology 9. Advantages and Disadvantages of tilting trains 10. Summary 11. Bibliography INTRODUCTION Train is a mass transporter, which transports humans and goods from one place to another place. We have trains, which run by diesel and electricity. Among goods and passenger trains the most concerned one is passenger trains. The passenger train should move quickly with high speeds.The rail road will not be always straight it should pass through curves and turns. We all know that if you are driving in your car and you take a turning at speed you feel centrifugal forces. Well it is no different from trains, if a train takes a turning at speeds centrifugal forces will be experienced. The major problem for any trains is to pass over the curves and turns of the railroads. If the train moves with the same speed at the curves and turns the train may slip from the track, so the speed of the train will be slowdown drastically to avoid slip.This results in wastage of fuel and in turn reduces the speed of the train, which is main consideration for the passenger trains. One of the solution found to avoid this situation is the tilting trains. PROBLEMS WITH CORNERS We all know that if your driving in your car and you take a corner at speed you feel centrifugal forces. Well it is no different from trains; if a train takes a corner at speed then centrifugal forces come in. Often train operating companies face a decision for building a high speed railway transport system†¦ hey can either invest money in the train to make it tilt but use existing railway lines, or they invest money in a new railway but don't need to spend money on expensive tilting mechanisms. This is why TGV, and ICE and bullet trains do not tilt, because they have their own dedicated high speed railway lines where curves are built with very high radii. It is worth pointing out that the ce ntrifugal force is a function of v2/r where v is the velocity and r is the radius. This means if you double the velocity, you quadruple the centrifugal force.Similarly, if you want to triple the velocity but keep the centrifugal force the same, you must increase the radius by a factor of nine! Something not always possible. This is why even apparently gentle curves can be much more of a problem with high speeds than one might thing, because the force rises with the square of velocity. WHAT IS TILTING TRAIN ? Tilting train consists of a tilting mechanism that enables increased speed on regular tracks. In the upper part of the tilting trains that is in which the passengers are seated can be tilted sideways.During the motion of the train if the train has to steer to left in a left turning the coaches of the train will be tilted to the left in order to compensate the centrifugal push to the right and conversely during the right turn. These trains are constructed such that inertial force s which cause the tilting can be controlled by a computer. If the trains travel at speeds more than the specified speeds at the turnings of the railway tracks their will be centrifugal forces acting on the train. Due to these centrifugal forces the train may slip and push out of the tracks.But in case of tilting trains which will not happen, because of the reason that centrifugal forces will be compensated by tilting mechanism. WHY TILTING HELPS? When sitting on a corner going at speed there are two forces acting on you, gravitational force and the centrifugal force which is accelerating you into the corner. In physics when two forces act, then this causes a resultant force. The resultant force will push you into your seat and to the side. However if the train is tilting, then the normal contact force of you on your seat will be the same as the resultant force you are experiencing.This means as far as the passenger is concerned he or she is just being pulled into his or her seat, an d he or she is used to that so no discomfort is felt. This is true also of aero planes, commercial planes tilt a large amount, up to 30 degrees when going around corners in some cases to cater for passenger comfort. As the tilting of the aero plane is to get rid of the problem of centrifugal forces, or more accurately to disguised the centrifugal forces as a part of gravity as far as the passengers are concerned. The only way you know if the aero plane is tilting is to look out of the window.Trains that tilt can go up to 25% to 40% faster around curves than conventional trains without upsetting the passengers, and as mentioned before this can significantly increase average speeds and cut journey times. HOW DO TRAINS TILT? Carriages have tilting mechanisms. Obviously the bogies cannot tilt because they ride on the track and must follow the path of the track. So the coaches have to tilt on the bogies. The way they do this is simple, the bogie acts a fulcrum in the center and it is fre e to tilt either side. Then pistons control how much the coach tilts. The pistons are controlled by a small computer, which uses a spirit level.The spirit level is used to check if things are horizontal remember, i. e. at right angles to the resultant force acting. Normally this force is gravity, but when going round a corner the resultant is a combination of gravity and centrifugal forces. This means the spirit level indicates it is no longer horizontal, so the computer adjusts the pistons until horizontal is read. Again this will not be horizontal to the ground, but as far as anyone on the train is concerned it will be horizontal, keeping the passengers happy. In the early days they tried to use inertial force to let the trains tilt†¦ i. e. hey would have no mechanism to make them tilt but the carriages would have a low center of gravity so centrifugal forces on the carriage would cause them to tilt. This proved unsuccessful. PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED IN TILTING THE TRACK Well on h igh speed lines the track in the UK is heavily banked up on corners, although going in a high speed train you don't notice it at all. Occasionally when a high speed train in the UK comes to a stop because of a red signal or something on a curve you can really notice how much its slanted, on a stop on a curve put a bottle on the floor and will slide across to the other side.However there are limitations with tilting tracks, first of all the banking has to be designed with a specific speed in mind. A banked up track meant for 125mph trains is going to cause discomfort to passengers in a local 75mph train, as when a slower train goes round a banked corner it will make passengers feel like they are falling to a side. Of course you could build dedicated high speed lines, but then you would engineer them without tight curves. This limits the extent to which tracks can be banked up. If the rack is banked too much for really fast trains, then if any train comes to a stop on the curve due to a red signal the slant will cause discomfort to passengers. Also arranging for the overhead pantrograph to make proper contact with a wire above a banked curve is a little tricky. Clearly trains themselves need to tilt, then you get the double benefit of tilted track and tilting train, and the train can tilt to exactly suit the speed it is going at. PASSENGER COMFORTNESS One might think it is not safe to push a train round a corner at high speed. Indeed that is true. However the crucial thing is that the speed at which it becomes unsafe, i. . the speed at which there is enough force to push the train off the track is incredibly high. In fact the force needed would be enough so that all passengers on the train couldn't move and would be stuck to the sides of the train. This implies that there is scope for increasing the speed of a train round corners a great deal without it becoming unsafe, however passengers will object. There are two reasons why it is bad for passengers. I have be en on a late running Inter City 125 and it took a corner at some speed although only about 90mph and the corner wasn't tight enough to say see the train at the other end by looking out of the window.The corner wasn't tight enough to notice turning either. However you could feel the forces definitely, and empty cups rolled across tables, bags creaked and I felt pushed against the wall. Any faster and it would be extremely uncomfortable for passengers and they would rather the train slowed down and take a little longer. Also companies don't like to run trains at speed round corners because it upsets passengers, as when exposed to turning forces they may become worried the train is going to fly off the tracks (which incidentally has never happened). This might make people nervous about traveling on high speed trains.The reason no one is ever nervous about traveling at nearly 200mph on a train is because it is smooth and constant. If it was doing corners at these speeds people wouldn't like it. People get freaked out doing 50mph on a roller coaster which involves tight curves, imagine how they feel when serious speed is involved! Its all down to the forces a passenger feels, if a passenger feels a lot of strong forces then he or she is going to be nervous, and may avoid traveling on the train, or just choose a slow train. COUNTRIES WHO DEVELOPED THE TILTING TECHNOLOGY BritainThe UK was interested in developing the advanced passenger train for quite a while France The development of the tilting train in France began in 1956 when eng. Mauzin built and experimented a single car unit that used inertial (non-assisted) tilting. This experiment were suspended because a natural tilting proved too difficult to accomplish. France preferred to built a vast network of high speed lines and the development of TGV started in the early seventies with a two-car modified turbo train. Today GEC-Alsthom has decided to start the development of a tilting TGV that has been delivered few weeks ago for testing and trials.Spain With the ETR-401 Fiat delivered in 1976 a wide-gauge version to Spain that was designated Tren Basculante (RENFE Type 443). However like its Italian sibling it remained a single vehicle. Later Spain developed a tilting version of its own Talgo train (talgo pendular) that so far has proved itself the only successful example of natural tilting and has met with a huge success. USA/Canada The first experiments were carried over in the thirties with non-powered cars (called pendulum), but the first successful tilting train in the USA was the Sikorsky Turbo Train which incorporated an inertial tilting mechanism.Later, in 1973 Amtrak tested an active tilting train called LRC (Light – Rapid – Comfortable) made of ten cars, that unfortunately had no success. Today Amtrak is trying again with the American Flyer built by Bombardier using some TGV-derived technologies. Sweden ABB developed in the early seventies an active tilting mechanism t hat was alternative to the Italian and British ones. This was tested in the X15 vehicle and implemented in the X2000 series train that so far has had a good success. One curious feature of this trains is that the tilting mechanism is applied only to the passengers cars and not to the driving motor units.Switzerland As a part of the IC-2000 project the Swiss railways are developing a tilting train that has the provisional designation ICN-2000 and will be built by SIG. Germany Germany has adopted tilting technology on its 610 and 611 class series EMU and will built the ICT for long-range intercity services ADVANTAGES 1. Fuel consumed by the trains can be minimized. 2. Speed of the trains can be maintained constant and hence time to reach the destination is minimized 3. Their will be Comfort ness for the passengers. DISADVANTAGES 1. Very costly to manufacture these kind of trains. . If the coaches do not tilt then it is dangerous. SUMMARY While the Very high speed trains like the TGV c ould be regarded as the Rolls Royce of trains, tilting trains could be thought of as the cheep and cheerful mini metro. The price differential is fairly similar too, it costs about 20 times more per unit distance to build a dedicated high speed line than it does to upgrade existing lines for tilting trains. This is what makes tilting trains extremely attractive. However there are disadvantages. 140mph or 230km/h is about as fast as trains go when not on dedicated lines.And then they have to be fitted in with slower moving traffic. With rail travel growing all over Europe, the problems of railways reaching saturation point has forced new lines to be build. This is why despite the success of the Italian Pendolini a new high speed line with 300 km/h trains is being built, because existing lines are at saturation. BIBILOGRAPHY Theory of machines KHURMI . R. S Railway Engineering PROFILLDIS . V. A www. goggle search. com TILTING TRAINS [pic] TILTING OF TRAINS WHILE TAKING RIGHT TURN IN T HE TRACKS [pic] TILTING OF TRAINS WHILE TAKING RIGHT TURN IN THE TRACKS
Friday, August 30, 2019
City and Urbanization
Urbanization is a socio-economic process by which an increasing proportion of the population of an area becomes concentrated into the towns and cities. The term is also defined as the level of population concentration in urban areas. The proc ess of urbanization increases both the number and size of towns and cities. Urbanization is the most significant phenomenon of the 20th century which has almost affected all aspects of the national life in India. Being the second most populous country in the world after China India's fast growing urbaniza tion has a regional as well as world- ide impact.India's urban population constitutes a sizeable pro portion of the world's urban population. This can be well corroborated from the fact that every 12th city dweller of the world and every 7th of the developing countries is the Indian. India has as many small towns (population 20,000-49,999) as in the United States as many as medium towns (population 50,000 – 99,999) as in the former Sovie t Union; as many cities (population 100,000-499,999) as in the United States; and as many metropolises (population+500,OOO) as in Australia, France and Brazil combined.India has a long radition of urbanization which has continued since the days of the Indus Valley civilization. According to an estimate the percentage share of urban population to total popu lation was higher in the last part of the 17th century in comparison to the last part of the 19th century. The development of cottage industries and tertiary ac tivities during the medieval period helped in the evolution of about 3,200 towns and 120 cities in the country around 1586 A. D. (Raza, M, 1985, p. 60).The damage to this indigenous industrial structure during the colonialism gave a serious blow to the process of urbanization. The roots of the existing process of urbanization lie in Western model of factory industries which started developing in the country during the early part of the 20th century. Urbanization, in India, can be studied through Census data provided at a regular interval of 10 years since 1881 onwards. These data help us in analyzing the trends of growth in the urban popula tion, decennial increase, and urbanization and number towns during the 20th century.At the time of the reliable Census taken in 1881 the urban population contributed 9. 3 per cent of the total population of the country. The growth-trend was sluggish and even negative in some decades (1911-21) due to outbreak of epidemic (plague) and natural calamities, trend of slow growth in urbanization continued unto 1931. The decade 1931-41 observed about 32 cent growth in the urban population which increase' its share in total population to 14. 1 percent. The growth trend was further accelerated during the following decade which witnessed a decennial growth of 41. 2 per cent (Table 28. II) Raising the percentage share to 14. 1 . Here rehabilitation of refugees from Pakistan into cities played a significant role. During 1951-6 1 the growth trend as slowed down (26. 4 per cent) which contributed marginal increase (percent) in the urbanization ratio. It was due to change in the definition of urban places and declassification of 803 towns in 1961 Census. Since 1961 onward there has been steep rise in the urban population and urbanization ratio so as to reach its highest point during 1971-81 (decadal growth being 46. 2 percent and addition of record number of 900 new towns). This was the peak point in the urban growth of the country during the 20th century. The trend ot growth nas been slightly slowed down during 1981-91 (39. 32 per cent) and 1991-2001 (31. 8 per cent) which is a matter of serious study by urban geographers and urban sociologists. Causes may be many folds including increasing pollution, decreasing opportunities of employment and liveli hood in urban areas and development of new sources of livelihood in rural areas to reduce the flow of rural migrants.Above description leads us to conclude tha t during the last 90 years of the 20th century the number of towns has increased by 144. 6 per cent? urban population by 140,23 per cent, and urbaniza tion ratio by 133,6 per cent. Industrialization con comitant with economic development and rural o urban migration has made significant contribution towards this phenomenal growth. But compared with developed countries this rate of urbanisation is still slower. Wulker has rightly observed that while in Western countries urbanization is expanding towards rural areas but in India rural life is influencing the urban areas.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
What can cause urbanisation in a developing country Essay
What can cause urbanisation in a developing country - Essay Example According to statistics, it is estimated that more than half i.e. approximately 60% of world’s population will be living in urban areas by the year 2030 (Knox, 2005). It is also estimated that more than 150000 people migrate to towns on daily basis, with less developed countries showing a higher trend than that of developed countries. For an urban area to be categorized as such, there are various indicators which must be present. These are for example the population density, percentage of under dependence on agriculture, public utilities among others but which may vary according to the state or country in question (Martine, 2008). This paper is a critical evaluation of the causes and negative effects of urbanization in developing countries. Urbanization in Developing Countries Urbanization as stated herein is the increased settlement of people in towns mostly after they relocate from rural areas. It is a phenomenon which has continued to attract attention especially since it i s considered a recipe for numerous negativities. There are various reasons why the rate of urbanization has been increasing in developing countries. To begin with, it has been found out that lack of job opportunities in the rural areas is a major contributing factor (Lynch, 2005). Most of the people living in rural areas depend highly on rain fed Agriculture as their lifeline. Apparently, the world has continued to experience harsh climatic conditions due to global warming, which has tampered with rainfall patterns such that areas that used to receive high amounts of rainfall are now suffering from lack of it and when it rains, it creates havoc in terms of flooding. This implies that people can no longer depend on farming alone to sustain their day to day financial requirements (Lynch, 2005). In addition, rural areas in developing countries are experiencing overpopulation as a result of low infant mortality rate coupled with high birth rate, which means that there is a lot of compet ition on the already available land (Bhatia, 2000). For example, a family that owns a land of 10 acres but comprising of 10 heirs means that each heir would inherit 1 acre of land which would then be subdivided among their offspring. In the end, each one of the residents after a generation is left with minimal space to conduct any viable development. As a result of these limitations, most of rural dwellers opt to migrate to towns where they end up acquiring cheap accommodation in substandard environments such as ghettos and shanties. It may also be necessary to observe that industrialization leads to mechanization especially in Agriculture and in this case, it means that the demand of manual laborers becomes low thereby creating the problem of unemployment, which in itself is a recipe for rural urban migration (Bhatia, 2000). Majority of developing countries also are experiencing a rapid growth of new industries, which are creating more demand for labor (Martine, 2008). This is a de velopment which is attracting young men and women to migrate from rural areas especially due to the fact that investors usually situate their premises in urban areas where there are high numbers of people who can provide ready market for the processed goods. The high demand for manufactured goods is due to the fact that urban dwellers do not participate in food production and therefore depend solely on their salaries and wages to budget for their daily needs. On the contrary, rural dwellers depend on their small chunks of land for food not forgetting the fact that the limitation of resources lowers their purchasing power thereby discouraging investors from establishing industries in those areas. It is also important to note that most of the governments in developing nations have failed to decentralize national resources such that rural areas
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4
Microeconomics - Essay Example This is illustrated by the diagram below. c) In order to achieve a socially efficient level of coal gas mining, policies that promote the underground water system understanding, interconnectivity and the gas extraction and processing life cycle should be adopted. Secondly, policies that demand absolute scientific knowledge of the industry and its potential impacts on the society matter. These to enable a comparison of efficient coal power generation and the societal efficient production requirements to minimize the adverse effects on the society. a). The key most barrier to entry that would help to establish and keep Monsanto’s market power in the United States seed market is the patenting of the Monsanto seeds that prevents farmers from stocking other seed companies. The high cost of entry into the seed industry as a result of the high prices charged by Monsanto is another significant barrier to entry. New companies would find it very expensive to incur high entry costs that may be risky given the established Monsanto Company. The policies and the high prices are the significant barriers to the entry of other companies into the industry. b). If the United States Department of Justice investigations resulted in the cancellation of the Monsanto patents as an anticompetitive practice in the seed industry, a number of resultant effects would be experienced. Firstly, the level of competition in the US seed industry will most likely increase as more seed companies will be able to venture into the industry with reduced barriers to entry. The farmers will have a choice between varieties of the seed companies for their seed markets. Secondly, the supply of seeds is likely to increase with increased number of seed companies into the industry. As a result, the prices of seeds in the market will be driven down by the increased supply, and this would reduce the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Exam Cheating As An Ethical Breach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Exam Cheating As An Ethical Breach - Essay Example Is it a situation where the hunted raising their game than the hunter? One thing for sure is that exam cheating is real although the extent to which it cuts through human morality or ethical standards is what can be argued. Some people consider exam cheating as a way of survival in college and ignore any ethical breach that could be associated with it. However, a keen perception of this matter reveals otherwise. Thesis statement: Exam cheating is an indication of decay in societal morals. The manner in which the society responds to exam cheating is a manifesto that indeed there is a problem. It is possible to find someone ignoring and deeming it normal when they see a close friend or family member cheating in an exam. As long as the ‘cheater’ is away from the instructor or lecturer, they have nothing to worry about. This is because everywhere else is ‘safe’ except the surroundings of the lecturer. No one cares about the society if you cheat or not. Integrity and honesty are key principles in any society’s moral provisions. At work or business, employees are expected to show high integrity level as well as honesty (Anderman and Tamera, 133). At school the same principles apply, one is supposed to honest in every endeavor they engage in. How they are you honest when you sneak in with unwanted materials into the examination room to copy and lie to the examiner it is your own work? In the society, exam cheating is well distinguished to be a wrong action that is ethically unaccepted. Children have been socialized into knowing what is good and what is bad. It, therefore, means that the people who engage in cheating understand pretty well that they are taking unethical steps. All they do is to make what is wrong to look right. They understand that their ego would ‘eat’ them up if they never deploy a strong defense mechanism. They, therefore, have devised excuses and untrue opinions about cheating. Some call it a normal college action while others claim it is not an ethical issue or if it is then it must be very mild. How mild can it be mild when one gets a degree that is not theirs? Doesn’t it feel bad to be employed in an organization with someone’s ‘knowledge’?
Monday, August 26, 2019
Stop-and-Search Rights Unveiled Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Stop-and-Search Rights Unveiled - Essay Example Merseyside Police Authority says the decrease compared to the previous year is reflective of the fact that stop and search powers are used more selectively and consistently in line with force policy. The arrest rate rose from 10.9% to 14.6%. Publication Information: Article Title: Stop-and-Search Rights Unveiled; Officers Can Be Asked for Written Record. Newspaper Title: Daily Post. Publication Date: March 22, 2005. Page Number: 2. COPYRIGHT 2005 MGN Ltd.; COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group He also aims to increase the current 33 policemen and women from ethnic minorities in a force of 2,973 officers, at the same time as working with multicultural communities of Cardiff and Swansea to the valleys of south Wales. Here he tells the Welsh Mirror of the challenges facing him in his new job.I'm very excited. It's something new for myself and also for the force. I've enjoyed working with the police when I was director of the rural race equality project in the south-west of England. They will have needs which are unique to those living in rural communities. The approach in the country will have to be different because the issues in rural areas will be different to the ones in Cardiff and Swansea. Publication Information: Article Title: My Fight to Bring Equality and Race Harmony to ... There were a total of 47,106 stop and searches on Merseyside between April 2002 and March 2003. Stops started being recorded in Sefton under the new guidelines, known as Recommendation 61, on April 1, 2003. There were 19,601 stop and searches recorded between April 2003 and March 2004. Merseyside Police Authority says the decrease compared to the previous year is reflective of the fact that stop and search powers are used more selectively and consistently in line with force policy. The arrest rate rose from 10.9% to 14.6%. The new system will mean some extra costs, as yet undisclosed for Merseyside Police -1- Questia Media America, Inc. Publication Information: Article Title: Stop-and-Search Rights Unveiled; Officers Can Be Asked for Written Record. Newspaper Title: Daily Post. Publication Date: March 22, 2005. Page Number: 2. COPYRIGHT 2005 MGN Ltd.; COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group My Fight to Bring Equality and Race Harmony to Wales; UNIQUE ROLE FOR NEW MAN. by Nick Servini WALES'S biggest police force has named Mohammed Dhalech as its new race advisor - the only one outside London's Metropolitan Police. South Wales Police is the first force to take the lead set by the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report. Mohammed will deal with ethnic minorities - as well as help stamp out race within the force. His role is to give expert advice to Chief Constable Tony Burden and senior officers when they deal with race-related crimes. He also aims to increase the current 33 policemen and women from ethnic minorities in a force of 2,973 officers, at the same time as working with multicultural communities of Cardiff and Swansea to the valleys
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Marketing planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1
Marketing planning - Essay Example This part critically evaluates and assesses the techniques used in developing products and services. Clear evidence has been demonstrated of the critical analysis to the recommendations for pricing, distribution and communication of services and products. Measures that are used to monitor and review marketing performance have been creatively specified. A consistent marketing plan for a product has been critically presented. The forth and last part of this report critically evaluates two different organisations’ responses to ethics in marketing. The implications of ethical issues in the marketing for an organization have been described in detail. Statistical surveys carried out by the World Health Organization were used extensively in this research paper. Observational research method was used because it does not interfere with the phenomenon being studied. A case study of Vodafone, Philip Morris International and Diageo Plc was carried out. Unique insights were offered by the case studies. Vodafone Group Plc is a British multinational mobile telecommunications company that has its headquarters in Newbury, England. Based on revenue, Vodafone is the world’s leading mobile network operator that has significant presence in Europe, the United States, Africa and Asia Pacific. Vodafone has a market value of 71 billion pounds (Stevens & Loudon 2006). Based on subscribers, Vodafone is the second largest mobile network operator after China Mobile. As of 2009, Vodafone had 427 million subscribers. Vodafone has established operations in over 70 countries through joint ventures, subsidiary undertakings, associate undertakings and investments. Vodafone has over 79000 employees worldwide (Taylor 1997). In the UK, Vodafone has been having brisk changes in administration, which has resulted in the company performing badly in its home market. The name Vodafone was chosen from the first two letters of the words voice data fone so as to show
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Mullen, Hard Thinking About Values Essay
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Mullen, Hard Thinking About Values - Essay Example However, to this end Aristotle argues that the action of living, which consists of elements like nourishing and providing nutrition to the body, goes the same as that of other living matters like plants. Again, the skill of perceiving different senses, which the human beings think that they are capable enough, does not also constitute the acts of ‘proper function’. It is because as Aristotle argues that even nomadic creatures like animals also possess such skill sets. Aristotle states that apart from the previous two conditions of simple living and the ability to perceive the external world through the sense organs human beings possess the power of rational thinking. This rational thinking links up the individual with a host of different activities. Human beings to sustain themselves must use their rational thinking for performing effectively. Effective performance of an activity by a human being signifies that the person desires to set defined standards in the work done . The individual must optimally use one’s own strength in performing the actions with considerable efficiency to maintain the standards previously set. Optimal utilization of one’s own strength and knowledge to perform the tasks assigned hold that the performance is accomplished in conformation to one’s soul.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Early modernist art movements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Early modernist art movements - Essay Example Futurism is clearly an innovative movement which was launched in Italy in 1909. Nonetheless, there were parallel art movements in Russia, England, and other regions. It is one of the first and among the most critical early modernist art movements that were not centered in Paris-this is evidently the reason why France does not take the movement seriously. Futurism was responsible for exalting the modern world dynamism, particularly in the field of science and technology. Futurism had begun in literature but spread its wings covering painting, industrial design, sculpture, and so on and their ideology influenced all other types of art. This piece, The City Rises, is considered to be the first painting in the futurism movement. The artist, Boccioni, illustrates a modern city in construction. In the image, it is clear that the artist depicts chaos and movement that resembles a war scene. Some people state that this work shows that the futurism movement believed that war was the only viab le means toward culture progress. The racing horses into the work’s foreground as workers are seen struggling to gain control indicate a struggle between animals and people. Animals shown are not very clear indicating movement while other objects are painted more realistically. Boccioni also shows the influences of Impressionism, Cubism, and Post-Impressionism as seen in the broken exemplification of space. Constructivism happened in Russia and was the most influential in the 20th century, it was also the modern movement.
Andrew Jackson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Andrew Jackson - Essay Example During his presidency, he familiarized the spoils structure to the state government, assigning persons to positions grounded on the political backing. This made support on the government level prevail on the nationwide level. In addition, he used the executive influence of rejection expansively. In his term, he rejected extra bills compared to all the preceding presidents combined, and he was the first president to use the pocket rejection (Wilson, Dilulio and Bose 367). He used his position in the party to augment his supremacy and the primacy of the presidency. In his era, Jackson did not familiarize with numerous new policies, but he removed the ones he loathed. He removed some policies when the electorate size was growing quickly, and other states were joining the union. Jackson and his counterparts in White House walked the political phase when unpleasant sectional battles over slavery and profitable policies were starting to separate the country. Because of this, he attempted t o return to the agrarian easiness of Jefferson’s time, but he was stopped by the influential civic government. He is also remembered by the party he prepared in the White House that was attended by anybody in the populace to sign him as a tribune of the people. In the history of American Presidents, Andrew Jackson marks some remarkable transition on the power of a president. He is well known for his unprecedented use of presidential power in his era, and he is the foundation of the modern president.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Computer Crime Essay Essay Example for Free
Computer Crime Essay Essay Computer crime is an ongoing issue that we continuously see, and a major problem with this is that most people do not realize the harm that computer crime can cause. Computer crime is also a niche that continues to grow. This is based on the fact that there are many different perceptions about what computer crime is, and the harmful effects it can have. Because there is a gap between traditional views of what cyber crime is and the actual realities of these crimes, it is a criminal offense that will continue to happen. A major issue within this industry is the fact that citizens, law enforcement officials, prosecutors, and the government don’t put cyber crime at the top of their list of dangerous crimes is because the actual act of computer crime is not in itself viewed as being dangerous. This is a traditional view of computer crime, and the book goes on to explain that, â€Å"many [stereotypical] computer criminals are non-threatening, socially challenged individuals, and 36.3% of officers believe that investigation of computer crime interferes with their ability to concentrate on ‘traditional’ crimes†(Britz, 7). Because police tend to not look too seriously at these crimes, the general public will form their own, similar opinions on the matter. This gives people an inaccurate belief about the effects of cyber crime. In fact, computer crime can and many times is violent today. One area of computer crime that has become particularly dangerous, especially for younger generations is cyber bullying. In recent years, we have seen more and more suicides related to cyber bullying then ever before. An example of this can be seen in the case of the United States v. Lori Drew. Lori was an older woman who pretended to be a teenaged boy and began to talk and soon after started an online relationship with a 14-year-old girl. The girl eventually began to fall for the fake 16-year-old boy that Lori Drew created. After a series of conversations, their â€Å"relationship†ended with a message from Drew telling the girl that nobody actually liked her and she should instead kill herself. Unfortunately, the 14-year-old girl, being highly impressionable and because of her feelings for this fake teenage boy, took the advice and ended up killing herself. A big issue we have seen with lawmakers imposing laws to prevent cyber crime is that, it is such an advanced form of crime that many times it is unclear if there was an actual crime committed and if so where/when it happened. In past situations, â€Å"legislative bodies and judicial authorities have been slow to respond†(Britz, 5). This slow response allows for those committing crimes in cyber space to avoid punishment and lets these criminals continue their illegal operations. Another problem within this criminal sector is the gray area between, â€Å"someone who accesses information without authorization and someone who is actually committing an act in cyberspace meant to harm someone or destroy property†(Webster). Another traditional view when it comes to cyber crime that is probably the most commonly thought, is that â€Å"it would never happen to me†. The average American does not think that they could be a computer criminal’s targets. These people believe that because they aren’t millionaires and instead an average income American, cyber criminals won’t go after them. This unfortunately is not the case, and because these people aren’t taking the proper steps to protect themselves, they are becoming easier to target. In 2004, 54 million Americans were subject to email attacks by â€Å"phishers†looking to steal financial information from people. Roughly 4% of these 54 million people gave away their financials including credit card numbers, addresses, phone numbers, etcâ€â€that is almost 1.7 million people! In the year 2003, 1.2 billion dollars were generated in cyber attacks on average Americans. But computer criminals are not just using this phishing approach to steal information and money. They are practicing using key logging and spyware to steal passwords and other private information that can allow these people to go unnoticed while spending your money. Despite the fact that we see more and more security be put in place to avoid these issues, it continues to happen because so many people in our society believe it will not happen to them. But what is instead happening, is more of these average people are being targeted because they are essentially making it easier for these criminals to steal their personal information. While these criminals certainly could steal more money from millionaires, going after these more average Americans is easier and safer (Wilson). With how technology dependent our society has become, we see more and more hacking crimes today. There even exist groups out there that have members from all over the world that collectively hack different websites. For example, Anonymous is probably the most well known hacking collective in the world. Parmy Olson’s book We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World, she discusses the history of the group and the attacks that they have done. This group would like us to believe that they are an activist group that seeks freedom for all people, but has hacked financial institutions such as PayPal, MasterCard and Visa. They want us to believe that they are freedom fighters and simply believe in an unregulated Internet, but they tend to go after websites and companies that simply disagree with their message. It is kind of a double-edged sword, because while they are preaching about freedom of speech, they then in turn go after people who disagree with their message. Olson even discusses the fact that the group went after her because of the books she was writing about this organization. People are definitely becoming more aware of the dangers of computer crime, many Americans still do not see the detrimental effects that cyber crime can have on society. These people that are blinded by traditional views of computer crime, have become the target of attacks. Their lack of preparations have allowed cyber criminals to go after them and gain money through their computer skills. Works Cited Britz, M. T. (2013). Computer Forensics and Cyber Crime and Introduction (3rd ed., Vol. 3). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Olson, Parmy. We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the Global Cyber Insurgency. New York: Little, Brown and Company, . United States v. Lori Drew. (Feb. 2008): California . 2 Jul. 2012. Webster, S. C. (2013, June 20). Lawmakers Propose Cyber Crime Reforms. Retrieved from Raw Story website: Wilson, T. (n.d.). How Phishing Works. Retrieved June 30, 2013, from How Stuff Works website:
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Hong Kongs Economic and Sustainable Growth Policies
Hong Kongs Economic and Sustainable Growth Policies Chief Executive Office of the Chief Executive Tamar Hong Kong In my capacity as the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, I take pressure to write to you express my views on specific economic policies which are the essential features of Hong Kong’s economic development and the sustainable growth. From that perspective, the Hong Kong Government (HKSAR) should concern various factors within the region, in terms of the introduction of junk food tax, human resources and labour force, international trade and technological forces, environment protection and urban renewal planning etc, which are directly affected the social and economic conditions in Hong Kong. This paper addresses to how the HKSAR to reach this position and how it sustains its comparative advantages in conducting meaningful and purposive economic policies in short, medium and long-term over the next five years.. Short-term goal: The introduction of junk food tax The Chamber suggests the introduction of junk food tax on fattening foods or beverages by the HKSAR. According to the 2012 Behavioural Risk Factor Survey (2012), it revealed that 36.6% of the Hong Kong population aged 18 64 was classified as overweight. Therefore, Junk food tax refers to a tax placed upon fattening foods or beverages on attempt to reduce saturated fat consumption, from December 2011 to November 2012 Denmark introduced It is generating support in America, a country with rising obesity rates. Hong Kong has a simple, predictable and low tax system. Medium-term goal:- Human resources and labour force As recently the 2014 Index of Economic Freedom report has mentioned that Hong Kong is rated as the freest economy in the world (Opulentus Overseas Careers Pvt Ltd 2015). The Chamber suggests the adoption of women workers that promotes a balanced and gender equality in our local labour market. Although some commented that the roles of women should be stayed at home to look after the children, it is even less true in the modern society. This is because the aging population and the low fertility rate will give rise to a population deficit, it leads the government encourage more women back to labour market (China Economic Net 2013). As of the latest government edition of â€Å"Women and Men in Hong Kong – key statistics†showed that there was shortage of men in Hong Kong. It represents there are only 864 men for every 1,000 women (The Census and Statistics Department 2014). In order to develop women’s employment opportunities, the HKSAR may consider encouraging women to return to work by providing additional employment training and tools, for example, on-the- job training. Moreover, it would be good to introduce whole-day child care services and after-school care service which could eliminate the concern of working women for the well-being of their families. I believe such approaches are favourable to Hong Kong’s economic growth and beneficial to economic production. This help to increasing the supply of labour and will raise labour productivity in medium-term. Medium-term goal: International trade and technological forces Following to the open door policy, Hong Kong is now a major trade and financial centre where depends heavily on trade. Nevertheless, many countries now regard Hong Kong as a developed economy and exclude its products from preferential export treatment, such as subject to quota requirements and suffer higher tariff rates (Augustine 2003, pp. 93-5). To tackle the trade restriction, the HKSAR should appeal to the World Trade Organization through international negotiation with foreign countries which able to promote the growth of industries and conduct the international trade relationships. On the other hand, we recognise that developing a global network may also create a new global economy powered. With the rapid shopping online nowadays, the use and integration of information and communication technologies in business has revolutionized relationships within organizations and those between individuals and organizations (Totonchi Kakamanshadi 2011, p. 270). Therefore, the HKSAR should bring about investment in technology innovation to enable cross-border trading activity without the constraints of business location, scale and time zone. It probably would imitate the shopping engine, like Tobo in China which has increased its e-commerce offerings, makes online shopping easier and more efficient. This strategy allows Hong Kong to maintain substantial economy growth with the increased logistics demand and will bring in new revenue to the industry. Long-term goal:- Environment protection Increasingly, global warning, holes in the ozone layer and population growth etc, are some of the major problems facing in our city. These caused adverse effects of our health and the image of the city. Responses to these problems seem likely to be driven by government. It is suggested that the HKSAR re-examine our environmental protection policies with the implementation of new sustainability policies to ensure Hong Kong people are in full awareness of environment protection and conservation. For example, a move by government to encourage the use of alternative sources of energy such as solar energy that is advocated energy saving living. We are also highly recommended the HKSAR tend to plant as much as trees not only in our country parks, but also along the roadside and around the schools. This is because tree plantation in our community is to help offset the emission of carbon dioxide and stop the global warming. As a result, the standard of living will be increased and we will become healthier that enriched the life of Hong Kong people to future generation. Our economy will also grow and benefit from spending less on healthcare and increasing of the labour productivity. Long-term goal:- Urban renewal planning It is no doubt that the land in Hong Kong is always a highly scare resource. In view of this, the HKSAR should take an active role in maximum the utilization of the scare urban land. The Chamber suggests that undertaking high-density development as well as builds more public rental housing onto the housing market in the next five years. For example, the HKSAR could probably redevelop the old public housing estates to improve the quality of urban living and increase in housing supply. Effective land uses from high –density living will provide support to the HKSAR’s long-term housing policy. Subject to the high-density building development, it is not only helps provide scale economies, but also allows Hong Kong residents more likely to be affordable. These are also ideal help to reduce the pressure to develop open spaces and release more lands for social infrastructure and services. In the longer-term perspective, it is therefore to support economic stability and prosperity which is to meet the market demand. Many countries embarked as rebuilding efforts, characterized by demolition of old dilapidated areas, large-scale clearance of city slums and construction of modern high-rises after the war. Large-scale redevelopment created many social problemsand encouraged many city planners and scholars to question its effects and functionalities. Indeed, large scale renewal and redevelopment efforts have been criticized for neglecting the complexities of the urban fabric; it is not only uneconomical but also damages the city’s heritage and degrades various socio-environmental qualities. it would be good to introduce more specific incentives for women in the older age groups to upgrade their skills and knowledge Our economy will grow and benefit from these changing demographics if businesses commit toOpulentus Overseas Careers Pvt Ltd The Government welcomes more concerted efforts to build a more caring, compassionate and harmonious society. It is therefore most encouraging to note the growing interest of the business sector and the more affluent members of our community in poverty alleviation. We stand ready to work hand in hand with all sectors to improve the well-being of the disadvantaged and light up their lives with hope and dignity. Reference List A. J. Youngson. 2014, Hong Kong: Economic Growth and Policy, Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 43, no.4, pp. 754-755. Augustine W.S. Li 2003, Introductory Economics 4, Longman Hong Kong Education., Hong Kong. China Economic Net 2013, HK seeks women workers as aging population looms, viewed 21 January 2015,>. Christopher, S 2011, Hong Kong’s Expanding Obesity Problem, Journal of the Wall Street, viewed 24 January 2015,>. Edward. NG 2010, Designing high-density cities, Earthscan, New York. Fifarek, B. Veloso, F. 2010, Offshoring and the global geography of innovation, Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 10, pp. 559-78. Opulentus Overseas Careers Pvt Ltd 2015, The Freest Economy In The World Hong Kong, viewed 21 January 2015,>. The Census and Statistics Department 2014, Women and Men in Hong Kong – key statistics, 2014 edition, Hong Kong. The Department of Health 2012, Obesity, viewed 23 January 2015,>. Totonchi, J. Kakamanshadi, G. 2011, Globalisation and e-commerce, 2nd International Conference on Networking and Information Technology, IACSIT Press, Singapore.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Importance Of Physical Activity In Schools Education Essay
Importance Of Physical Activity In Schools Education Essay Engaging in acts of physical activity from a young age is very important for both the mental and physical health of a child; the habits learnt in youth tend to continue onto adulthood thus having an effect on the prevalence of obesity and related illnesses in society. So why is physical activity so important for children and what age is instilling positive habits most beneficial? What roles do teachers of today play in addressing and preventing obesity in our children and what are effective strategies to do this? The benefits of physical activity are vast. Physical activity has been associated with a lowered risk of cardiovascular disease and also an increased life expectancy so its importance is obvious but its value in children sometimes needs to be justified. It is never too early to start teaching a child positive behaviours and habits, however, in middle childhood (ages 6-10) children tend to be in a stage of development where they think very literally they will absorb everything you teach, do, and say and are incredibly influential. It is t this stage of development that their most likely to be taught healthy eating habits, develop exercise programs and have an interest in organised sports. Young people will carry established healthy behaviours throughout their lives such as better eating habits and decreased likelihood of smoking (Shilton, T. and Naughton, G. 2001). Through physical activity children of middle childhood develop healthy muscles, bones and joints; they develop a healthy heart and lungs and they also develop a higher neuromuscular awareness which influences their co-ordination, how they control movement and the development of fine and gross motor skills. Most obviously it enables them to maintain a healthy body weight. Physical activity has also been linked to psychological benefits by improving the control children have over the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Studies have also shown that the participation in physical activity can assist in the social development of children aged 6-10 by providing the opportunity for expression, building confidence and social interaction. Physically active young people have been noted to more readily adopt other healthy lifestyle behaviours (avoidance of tobacco, alcohol and drugs) and demonstrate higher academic performance at school. Children of the ages six to ten spend the majority of their time at school so naturally an effective tool in addressing the problems associated with physical activity and obesity is having teachers play an active role in promoting healthy lifestyles. Schools have been recognized as an appropriate setting for the prevention of eating disorders and child obesity due to the continual and concentrated access to a large number of individuals at a developmentally appropriate age (Neumark-Sztainer, 1996). Research has shown that well-designed and implemented school programs can effectively promote physical activity, healthy eating, and reduction of television viewing and time spent using the computer and computer games. Teachers have access to a great number of young people in an environment that allows debate and lessons about body image, nutrition, and weight These teachers also have the chance to initiate the reinforcement of prevention pro- grams using the whole school approach (Neumark -Sztainer, 1996; ODea Maloney, 2000). Home Economics, Science, Dance, and English teachers have opportunities to become involved in preventive activities within their appropriate curriculum areas as well as through involvement in pastoral care roles such as advisors, student welfare coordinators, and head teachers. (Neumark-Sztainer, Story, Harris, 1999). One strategy teachers can use in the classroom to address and treat the occurrence of obesity in children is to discontinue the use of food as a reward. Food has been used to reward children for good behaviour and performance. Its a very easy, powerful and inexpensive tool in bringing about immediate behavioural changes in children of thee ages six to ten. However, using food as reward often encourages overeating of unhealthy foods high in fat, sugar and little or no nutritional value whatsoever. Rewarding with food can interfere with children of these ages learning to eat in response to hunger and teaches them to eat when they are not hungry. Finding alternatives to food rewards is an important part of providing a healthy school environment. Rewarding children with unhealthy foods in school undermines our efforts to teach them about good nutrition. Its like teaching children a lesson on the importance of not smoking, and then handing out ashtrays and lighters to the kids who did the best job listening. (Schwartz, M.B, Brownell, K.D. 2007). Alternatives to food as a reward include; Social rewards like praise and attention (in front of others). Recognition with certificates and letters of congratulation to parents or caregivers. Privileges of going first, choosing a class activities or sitting by friends. Another way teachers can positively assist the prevention of obesity is to make exercise fun and incorporate it into the daily routine. Forcing children to participate in activities they do not enjoy could have a negative effect on how the child views physical activity in the future. Often sport in school is repetitive and favours the more athletic students in a class. Variety is very important and teachers should seek input from students to which game should be played, it could even be used as a reward allowing the child who has performed best to choose the activity. Incorporating fitness to the daily classroom regime can also be effective. For children attention can begin to wander if activities are too long and for some being sedentary for too long is difficult. At the beginning or end of lessons encourage children to dance, jump and use basic movement. Fun activities like hopping to the bathroom, skipping to other activities around the classroom can also be incorporated and can a id in childrens refinement of fine and gross motor skills. Additionally exercise shouldnt be used as punishment. Children learn to dislike things used as punishments. Penalizing children with physical activity might lead them to avoid activities that are important for maintaining their health. Integrate nutrition education lessons into the curriculum. You can apply nutrition education information into science, maths, language art and health lessons. Along with students collect pictures of healthy nutritional foods and junk foods from magazines, and newspapers. Have the students help to categorize the foods on posters healthy food and junk food. Display this in the classroom where everyone can see and use it at a reference for children to set realistic, well-defined, measurable goals for themselves regarding healthy eating and physical activity. As an example a child might plan to eat five servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every day or they will play for half an hour after school at least four days a week. Have students record their progress over time. These goals can be graphed and incorporated into certain lessons. Teachers have a valuable contribution to make in the domain of physical activity and the prevention of childhood obesity. In the past they have been underutilized as successful agents of change. This may be because school professionals are uneducated about nutrition and methods of prevention. In order for future prevention of obesity to be a success, perseverance and ongoing training for teachers and schools involved is required. Training must increase knowledge of nutrition, physical activity, obesity, and preventive techniques. Finally, teacher-training programs should stress the importance of development and age specific strategies in the education of children in this area in order to fully utilize schools as an effective setting for prevention and to improve future prevention initiatives, and to promote the health of our young people. Source: Obesity Prevention in Children: Strategies for Parents and School Personnel, National Association of School Psychologists;; (301) 657-0270. Printed with permission and provided by the St. Vrain Valley School Districts Public Information Office. Shilton, T. and Naughton, G. (2001). Physical activity and children: a statement of importance and call to action from the Heart Foundation. National Heart Foundation of Australia. Retrieved from Neumark-Sztainer, D. (1996). School based programs for preventing eating distur- bances. Journal of School Health, 66, 64-71. Neumark-Sztainer, D., Story, M., Coller, T. (1999). Perceptions of secondary school staff toward the implementation of school-based activities to prevent weight-related disorders: A needs assessment. American Journal of Health Promotion, 13(3),153-156. Neumark-Sztainer, D., Story, M., Harris, T. R. (1999). Beliefs and attitudes about obesity among teachers and school health care providers working with adolescents. Journal of Nutrition Education, 31(1),3-9. ODea, J. (2000). School based interventions to prevent eating problems: First do no harm. Eating Disorders, 8, 123-130. ODea, J. (2004) Child obesity prevention: First, do no harm. Health Education Research: Theory and Practice. 20, 259-265. ODea, J. Abraham, S. F. (2000). Improving the body image, eating attitudes, and behaviours of young male and female adolescents: A new educational approach that focuses on self-esteem. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 28, 43-57. ODea, J. Abraham, S. F. (2001). Knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours related to weight control, eating disorders, and body image in Australian trainee home economics and physical education teachers. Journal of Nutrition Education, 33, 332-340. ODea, J. Maloney, D. (2000) Preventing eating and body image problems in children and adolescents using the health promoting schools framework. Journal of School Health, 70(1),18-21. Neumark-Sztainer, D. (1996). School based programs for preventing eating disturbances. Journal of School Health, 66, 64-71. Hill, A. and Silver, E. Fat, friendliness and Unhealthy: 9 year old childrens perceptions of body shape and stereotypes. International Journal of Obesity Related metabolic Disorders 1995; 19(6), 423-30. Government of Western Australia. Keep it fun: supporting youth sport. Clubs guide to encouraging positive parent behaviour. op. cit. Government of Western Australia. Keep it fun: supporting youth sport. Clubs guide to encouraging positive parent behaviour. Perth, Western Australia: Department of Sport and Recreation. Schwartz, M.B., Brownell, K.D. (2007). Actions Necessary to Prevent Childhood Obesity: Creating the Climate for Change. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 78-89. Schwartz, M.B. Brownell, K.D. (2005). Future directions for preventive action on obesity. In Obesity prevention in the 21st century: Public health approaches to tackle the obesity pandemic. Crawford, D. Jeffrey, R. (Eds.) Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp 307-330 2 Puhl R. and Schwartz, MB (2003). If you are good you can have a cookie: The link between childhood food rules and adult eating behaviours. 283-293
Monday, August 19, 2019
Rise of US to power during the 20th century Essay -- essays research p
The U.S. Rise      There were many factors that contributed to the United States’ rise and roles as a world power during the early 20th century. Presidential policies during this time period were the foundation of the U.S.’s role as a world power. The conflict in the Philippines was evidence of the U.S.’s ability to crush uprising and control a territory. The Spanish-American War demonstrates the U.S.’s role as a world power. Although the U.S. was only about a century old it’s influence drastically affected the whole world.      Presidents during the 20th century developed and relied on many different policies involving foreign relations. President Roosevelt’s policy was â€Å"Speak softly and carry a big stick: you will go far.†He applied this African proverb in Latin American relations and acted as a sort of â€Å"international police officer.†Taft’s â€Å"Dollar Diplomacy†advised American businesses to invest wherever their products are sold. President Wilson believed that the U.S. was the champion democracy, and whenever the U.S. could instill democracy or help out, it should. This policy was called â€Å"Moral Diplomacy.†Presidential policies kept the U.S. involved in foreign affairs.      After Commodore Dewey had captured the Philippines an uproar tested the power of the U.S. After debate, the U.S. decided to annex and hold off the independence that the Philippines had waited so long for. The U.S. used crue...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Life And Times Of Al Capone Essay -- essays research papers
The Life and Times of Al Capone Alphonse Capone was born in New York City by two parents Gabriel and Teresa Capone. Capone's parents immigrated to the United States in 1893 from Naples, Italy. Capone came from a large family and was the fourth oldest of nine children. (Kobler 10). As a child, Capone was very wise when it came to living on the streets of New York. He had a clever mind when it came to street smarts. As far as school goes, Capone was a near-illiterate. He came from a poor neighborhood in Brooklyn, so education was not a top priority.      At about the age of eleven Capone became a member of a juvenile gang in his neighborhood. While this was taking place, around the year 1900, about eleven percent of all the foreign born population in the United States were Italian. Capone was forced to either deal with a miserable low wage job with a hopeless future or make an improvement for himself by committing first minor, then serious crimes. Al Capone's philosophy was that laws only applied to people who had enough money to live by them.      While in the â€Å"Bim Booms†gang, Capone was taught how to defend himself with a knife, and with a gun. By the time Capone reached the sixth grade he had already become a street brawler. Capone never responded well to authority and for this very reason his schooling would soon come to an end. While attending school, Capone was responsible for beating a female teacher and knocking her to the ground. The principal of the school rushed in and punished young Capone and for this very reason he would never return to school again. (Sifakis 603)                After dropping out of school, Capone took up jobs such as working as a pin-setter at a bowling alley, and working behind the counter at a candy store. Capone was terrific at pool, winning every eightball tournament held in Brooklyn. He also became an expert knife fighter. Although the â€Å"Bim Booms†gang was the first gang Capone ever entered, he was quickly picked up by the â€Å"Five Pointers†. The â€Å"Five Pointers†was the most powerful gang in New York city. The gang was headed by Johnny Torrio, and was made up of over 1,500 thugs who specialized in burglary, extortion, robbery, assault, and murder. While working ... ...lecting Capone's income could be seized. Capone had never paid any type of income tax and for this very reason he was brought up on charges of tax invasion in front of the federal court. Capone offered the federal government $400,000 to drop the case against him, but they rejected the offer. Capone was convicted and given the maximum sentence which was a $50,000 fine, court costs of $30,000, and eleven years in jail. (Nash 116 ) Capone started his sentence in an Atlanta prison. In 1934 he was transferred to Alcatraz, also known as â€Å"The Rock†. Five years later he was released from Alcatraz as a helpless paretic, due to the untreated syphilis he got from prostitutes. Later that year, Al Capone was judged insane and was released to the care of his family. (Sifakis 613 )      In January 1947 Capone had a massive brain hemorrhage and died. His body was removed from his estate in Florida and transferred back to the seen of his underworld triumph, Chicago. The family held a private ceremony at the cemetery, but were affraid of grave robbers taking the corpse so they reburied Capone in a secret place in Mt. Carmel Cemetery. (Kobler 122)
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Science and My Daily Life
Science and My Daily life Brenda Durbin Kaplan University Science and I Science has and always will play a constant important role in my daily life, maybe more so than others. Science for me has not always been my strong subject in school and I very easily tend to get intimidated. But when I look at my daily life and realize how much science plays a role in it, I cannot help but smile. Science is not at all bad, it has allowed me to do many things every day, even if I do not take the time to stop and think about it, it is there.From the way the microwave heats up the water for my coffee every morning or the way my body digests the food I eat every meal and makes it into energy or even a trip to the doctor’s office with my son, science is a constant companion and without it, my life would have turned out very different indeed. If I arrived home late one night and after unlocking the front door, I tried to turn on a light and it did not respond I would begin a process of elimina tion, or in other words, using the scientific method to find out the problem.First I would check the light bulb, to see if it had blown, once replacing the bulb if I still did not have light I would then go to my back porch and to the fuse box. I would then check the fuses to see if maybe a breaker was tripped or I had a blown fuse. If even after doing this I still have no power I would then call my electric company, asking them if someone had hit a power pole, or if they were conducting some kind of random test(s) or even making repair(s) to the line. Once finding out some information from the company I would then know whether to light some candles and to be patient or if I would have to call an electrician.For scenario number two I will use the situation of my car not starting. First I would check the level of gas in my vehicle, if that was found to be not the problem I would then check the battery and the terminals making sure they are all clean and connected. I would then check the spark plugs to see if they were misfiring, dirty or corroded. If after checking these items I still would be finding no solution, I would do my best to get a jump start from a passing motorist. If the jumps start did not elp to start my car I would then have to call a tow truck to bring my car to a garage where a mechanic would be able to research the problem better with his/her equipment and tools. While waiting for the answer and the problem to be fixed from the mechanic I would have to plan to either take a cab or find a ride with my friend(s) and/or co-workers to work, appointments and any place I need to go for my routine errands. Every day I get up at 5:30am. Without science (to tell the time of day) and the technology that goes into my alarm clock chances are 5:30am would not be the time I would be getting up.I then go upstairs and wake up my sons Warren and Ryely to get ready for school. When Warren comes down stairs I help him get his morning treatment machines ready. W arren was born with Cystic Fibrosis and relies on science and the continuing scientific advances of treatments, medicines and therapies to continue living. Warren’s first treatment is called a nebulizer, this lasts about 15 minutes. The nebulizer loosens the thick mucus on the walls of Warren’s lungs. Then his next treatment is done with what is called â€Å"the vest airway clearance system†(Hill-Rom Services, 2011).This vest gently compresses and releases the chest wall up to 25 times per second (Hill-Rom Services, 2011). In other words it basically pounds the loosened mucus (from his first treatment, â€Å"the neb†as we call it) off and out of Warren’s lungs so that he may cough it up. This vest treatment last for thirty minutes. After his treatments are finished, I then help Warren break down the machines, clean them and put them away until they are needed again in the evening. Warren does both of these treatments twice a day. Without science I would not have had Warren in my life for so long.He is nineteen and each day he does these treatments is another day I get to have my son in my life. Next, I prepare breakfast for both Warren and Ryely. We have a gas stove in our kitchen so the use of science plays a big role in the cooking of the food for all our meals. After dinner I then lay out all of Warren’s many medications they he needs to take. The absolute most important of all the medication is what is called Creon. Creon â€Å"contains pancrelipase – a combination of three enzymes: lipase, protease, and amylase†(Drugs. com, 2011).These enzymes are produced in the pancreas of people without CF. In people who do have CF however, the thick sticky mucus plugs the ducts in the pancreas so that the enzymes cannot reach the food to help break down and digest what food is eaten. So every time Warren eats he needs to take these, five capsules for snacks and seven with meals. Without science, everything War ren eats would pass right through his system and no nutrition would be absorbed by his body. After breakfast it is usually time for the boys to leave so that they can go to their bus stops.When they leave I will usually either start getting ready for any appointments that are scheduled or start cleaning the house. I must also admit there are some days that I do in fact go back to bed to catch an hour or two of more sleep. Science plays a huge role in the cleaning of my house also. From the hot water I use to mop the floors to the cleaners I use to disinfect and make my home smell clean science is there. Science has improved the quality of my life so very much. In explaining how I will get very emotional and I hope you understand.Without science Warren would not have lived, therefore I would not have become a mother. Without the scientific understanding of genetics and genetic diseases not only would I have lost Warren but I could have very well ended up in jail for child abuse. Befo re a doctor thought of giving Warren a sweat test (a test which measures the amount of salt in sweat) I was being investigated by the state of Maine for suspicion of child abuse. Warren was only 3 months old at the time and got down to 2 pounds 1. 3 ounces.The doctors and nurses immediately thought where I was a young mother I must have not been feeding him. This hung over my head the whole time Warren was being tested and in the neonatal critical care unit. Only when a CF specialist visiting Mid Maine Medical Center from the Children’s Hospital of Boston, after examining my son decided that a sweat test was needed, and done did this allegation clear up. Removing all doubt from the doctors and nurses of my mothering skills and love toward my son. The sweat test came back positive that Warren had CF. It was right then my life changed.Not only did my life change due to the treatments, medications and care Warren needed daily but also I was taught a most valuable lesson, never t ake anyone (who is in your life), no matter how small they are for granted. Every smile, laugh and memory with and from both my children have become even more precious to me now knowing that without the help of science Warren would not be a part of the family. Warren fought so hard to live (and continues to fight) so that I could be a mother, his mother. That in itself changes a person. To be perfectly honest, there has been only one negative impact that science has had on my life.I have always wanted to have at least two children. I underwent genetic testing soon after Warren was diagnosed with CF and the results that came in were scary. Warren’s father was found to have passed a gene unto him that is very common in about 80% of CF cases, while I had passed on to him a much rarer gene that was only evident in 2% of CF cases. The guilt was unbelievable and very painful to work through. And if that was not enough we were also told that with every child I would have with Warren ’s father the chances it would be born with CF were 1 in 4.I do not believe that I could live without science and I sincerely do not think anyone else could either. As people, we get sick, have headaches, toothaches and need surgeries for a multitude of reasons and without science we simply could not and would not be here. From a small aspirin someone takes for pain, to the food we eat or the healthcare we need and receive science is all around us every day! Science has made it possible for people such as me to live longer, be cared for, and to eat a variety of foods no matter if it is in a box or can and to live.To be honest I have always been too busy with my daily life that I have never stopped to think about how much science was in my life and the ways it presents itself. But through this course I have found a definite respect for science. I will look at things differently now and probably always will since taking this course. Science has been around me long before Warren was born but it was when he came into my life that I began to appreciate science and all the possibilities it holds for the future.One of the biggest possibilities that my family and I are hoping for is one day when CF will stand for cure found. Through the length of this course I have shared many of my own opinions and life experiences. Reflecting on them all I cannot help but smile, I should never be intimidated by science, because it is through science I have the life I live now. References Drugs. com, (2011). Creon, Retrieved on November 12, 2011 from http://www. drugs. com/creon. html Hill-Rom Services, (2011). The Vest Airway Clearance System, Retrieved on November 12, 2011 from http://www. thevest. com/products/
Casey Anthony Essay
Courtroom trials are very interesting to me and I really enjoyed clerking for judges and being able to watch everything from beginning to end. The case I have chosen is a jury trial and that jury ends up being seven women and five men. The criminal laws that were violated were many starting with Child Neglect, making false official statements and obstructing an investigation. Forging checks, fraudulent use of identification and petty theft, first degree murder, aggravated child abuse aggravated manslaughter and four counts of lying to law enforcement. Heading the prosecution was the District Attorney of Orange County Florida with several of the Assistant District Attorney’s. The defense has Jose Baez and what they were calling a ‘team’ of defense counsel, which actually ended up only being 3. Judge Belvin Perry was on the bench and all of the witnesses that were on both the states list of witnesses to call but the defense as well. The outcome of this trial rocked the nation as the verdict was read live which were Not Guilty of Aggravated Murder, Aggravated Child Abuse and Aggravated Manslaughter. The defendant was found guilty on 4 counts of the forgery of checks and was credited for time served, then released from jail. Casey Anthony made national news for several days and remained the top story. She had been charged and arrested with murdering her two year old daughter, Caylee Anthony. Casey denied ever knowing anything to the police of her whereabouts and told law enforcement that her nanny had taken Caylee by force and she had been looking for her in different avenues, to supposedly protect the child. Also stating she should have contacted police sooner than 31 days prior, but she was in fear for her daughter’s life was the story she stuck to. After being jailed and held without bond pictures of the young mother were posted all over â€Å"My Space†portraying Casey Anthony as nothing but a party girl. It wasn’t until the actual trial started and the story took a huge flip and George Anthony who is Casey’s father and grandfather of little Caylee, was being accused of sexually molesting his daughter since she was 8 years old and covering up the truth about the whereabouts of the two year old. Since Casey had been a child, she had been taught to cover up and lie about certain situations if it was going to cause embarrassment to the family. It was George who had found the lifeless body of Caylee Anthony, lying face down in their pool and the cover-up began. George Anthony did not want it to get out that the family was irresponsible and left the ladder out to get into the pool. Which the story reads, little Caylee climbed up that ladder and got in the pool herself, due to no supervision and drowned. Skeletal remains of a small child were found 3 months later within a mile of the Anthony home. The body had been discarded like a piece of trash, and her remains had been duct taped in a black garbage bag and tossed into the woods. It became media frenzy and, Orlando, Florida became the busiest it had ever been since the child had gone missing. It was in fact the remains of Caylee Anthony and to this day, the young mother sticks to her story and accuses her own father of covering the death of her child up and forced Casey to go along with it. She had been taught to obey her father and did not want to go against his strictness and allowed George Anthony to dispose of the body. The trial that began on May 24, 2011 went to the jury on July 3rd 2011. Deliberations were suspended over the 4th of July holiday and resumed July 5th. During its deliberations, the jurors did not ask to review any of the 400 exhibits, request any clarifications of the law or ask for any of the trial testimony to be read back. After deliberating for 10 hours and 40 minutes, the foreperson informed the court that the jury had reached a unanimous verdict that afternoon. More often than not when a jury returns a verdict that quickly and without asking for any type of assistance from the court, it bodes ill for the defendant. This jury, however, was about to prove the old maxim that juries are unpredictable despite what all the talking heads predicted it would conclude. The jury found her not guilty of murder, aggravated child abuse and manslaughter. She was however, convicted of four counts of lying to police officers. Judge Perry sentenced Casey to one year in jail and $1,000. 00 in fines for each of the providing false information counts. She was released from jail on July 17, 2011due to time already served. While Casey had been acquitted in her daughter’s death, Casey’s problems were not at an end. The defamation suit of Zenaida Gonzalez who Casey accused of kidnapping her daughter (one of the false statements) is seeking both compensatory and punitive damages. Gonzalez states she lost her job as a result of Casey’s allegations which led to the loss of her apartment by eviction and she and her 6 children continue to be harassed and threatened. (Kumar) It has changed how society works today by taking more â€Å"child missing stories†more serious and not to the facts of the case, but the simple fact that the 12 person jury could not convict her due to lack of evidence. The State of Florida had not proved their case and she was walking free except with a few misdemeanor charges of lying to law enforcement. How could this have happened, with all the circumstantial evidence of her guilt was obvious, the jury stood by the law? The evidence did not prove that Casey had been involved at all without finding any DNA or any other minute evidence. At almost the end of the trial, Casey asked to be evaluated by Psychologist and Psychiatrist to see if she was mentally capable to continue with the trial. She was found competent and the trial continued til the end finding her not guilty. All of America disagreed with the verdict except the defendant and the defense counsel and still held her responsible for her daughter’s death. Society even went to the extreme as to calling the jury â€Å"idiots†I believe Casey Anthony led a not so great life, but was also a spoiled brat who always got her way. So with the news that she was walking free didn’t surprise me, as I couldn’t see any physical evidence either. Sad but true, she is out living her life without her daughter and it does not seem to bother her a bit. Casey is in hiding though as of today and knows there are people out there who hate her. She has started to learn and recognize her lies and what they did to people, and has told friends she has a lot of regards. Other sources say she plans to receive psychological counseling. She is young and optimistic and realizes she can’t change the past but she can move forward.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Cypress: Alignment and Hr Strategy
Cypress Semiconductor Qn: Is the Cypress strategy aligned with its HR strategy? Why or why not? Cypress Semiconductor’s strategy mainly focuses on: †¢Winning: Provide the best and does not tolerate losing. oHiring the best people oReward based on meritocracy oMaximizing revenue †¢Innovation oLeading the innovation: best product, lowest pricing. oConstantly improving. Alignment to HR strategy Areas that the Cypress strategy aligns with its HR strategy: 1. Ownership Threats employees like entrepreneurs.Allowing employees to run the business like their own actually gave them empowerment and vested interest to do their personal best for their job. Positive results are treated with high return and recognition. This also in turn ensured maximum revenue and profits for their projects. 2. Career Opportunities Cypress Semiconductor is extremely aggressive to hire the best fit of people for their business. They will go to lengths of hiring the best people and pay them adequate compensation to retain them in the company. 3.Compensation Meritocracy in nature, the compensation scheme maintains that outstanding performers are rewarded, non-performers are eliminated. Stock options were given to performers to instill a sense of ownership in the company and the last 3% are deemed as non-performing and are unacceptable. 4. Hiring The almost military clock-work style in their hiring actions quick and precise. Offering at onset of the interview is an aggressive style in hiring and would probably a unique and effective way to get the people they want.Basically, Cypress is hiring people with the winning mentality, they are more likely to be looking for leaders in the hiring process. They will hire the people who can make quick and tough decisions and the candidates they hire are already pre-selected. The whole process of hiring I feel is indeed indigenous as it is self-eliminating. Survival of the toughest ensured that the best in the industry joined. Areas that the Cypress strategy that does not align with its HR strategy: 1. ‘Killer’ softwareThis system was in placed to help track and improve performance without the development of a bureaucracy in place. Eventually, the system caused the company to focus its attention to bad performance and eliminates the lower tail distribution, the non performing people. This in itself is bureaucratic and military as it does not have a single tolerance to failure. The increased monitoring under the ‘killer’ software became micro-managing in the whole process of performance measure. 2. Goals system This system was set to allow project driven process, that has speed and agility.And was supposed to help teams solve problems and dissolve conflicts. However the feedbacks were negative rather than constructive and highlights failures more than successes. This may not be useful for their annual staff review. 3. No failure tolerance The tough and intensive work environment created by Cypr ess was not for everyone. The stress faced by employees who do not fit is high. There are no other ways to help and retain these people. This tough and competitive environment contributed to the lack of sensitivity towards employees and customers.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The height of the power of Roman Empire
The height of the power of Roman Empire was at vast. Over one quarter of the world’s population lived and died the rule of the Caesars. Emperor Marcus Aurelius was in twelve-years of campaign against the Barbarian Tribe in Germania that was drawing to an end. His final wish before he dies is that to have a stronghold stands in the way of Roman Victory and the promise of peace throughout the empire. The film begins at the Roman battle for Germania, then a backwards land of barbarians. General Maximus Decimus Meridus leads the Roman Army to a decisive victory against the Germanic Tribes at Vindobona. The long war got ended on the Roman frontier and he earned the esteem of the elderly Emperor Marcus Aurelius. He has a male heir named Commodus. The dying emperor wished to grant temporary leadership to Maximus hoping to return the power to the Roman Senate. He saw Maximus’ abilities to lead and serve as an Emperor in Rome because Maximus is a principled man and he can command the loyalty of the army. Marcus wants him to end the corruption and to save Rome from partition. Marcus wants Rome to be a Republic again. Analyzing the Roman Society can undergo into these different kinds of perspectives, namely, Functionalist, Conflict, and Symbolic Interaction Perspective. First up is the Functionalist Theory. A Functionalist Theory explains phenomena through functions. It has two elements which are the view from the society as a system of interrelated parts that are interdependent and the general values among society members. So how can we relate Functionalist Theory to the Society? There is only one word for that – Change. Change plays a big role to Functionalist Theory. Society is seen as integrated whole. A change in one part of a society leads to change in other parts as well. Society may change over time, but functionalist believe that it will return to stable state. In the movie Gladiator, the people there are asked to become gladiators. They fight for their lives inside the arena. Many gladiators get wounded or die. That serves as an entertainment to the higher class. The gladiators are there for the glory of the Empire. The manifestation of this is that they don’t have rights. They can’t help it but to follow the rules of their ruler. It all comes to one label which is – slavery. The latent is that they are powerless. They have to follow the rules of their emperor because he is in the top. He is the highest among them. Which means that the gladiators and the other slaves are the peasants who they need to work for their emperor and to earn a living. And lastly, the dysfunction to this is that they are being abused. They are being asked to fight inside the arena. It’s a matter of life and death situation. The Conflict Perspective here is that the society is composed of distinct groups with opposing interests. The power and inequality are found systematically in the society. In the movie, there is an inequality between the slaves and the higher class. The slaves are forced to work for them and to become gladiators and fight their lives in the arena. The power is that the Emperor can dictate. They give command to the military, the government, and the people simultaneously. There should be a social balance to the Roman Empire. And last perspective is the Symbolic-Interactionism Perspective. This uses symbols to analyze the society well. An interaction between individuals is negotiated through shared symbols, gestures, and nonverbal communications. The symbolic-interactionism in the movie is that through clothing. The higher class can wear beautiful clothing while the slaves cannot. In all, there is still a question between the powers of the Emperor to the Senate. There is a large scale of happenings to the Roman Empire. The function of the gladiators within that society is to put forth a microcosm of the struggle. There is dictatorship and criticism among them. A Republic is a form of government in which the country is considered as a â€Å"public mater†, not the private concern or property of rulers, and where offices and states are subsequently directed or indirectly elected or appointed rather than inherited. The proposed solution to this class disparity is to give the power of government to the senate, which is elected by the working class, not to the Emperor.
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